Lavender Evening Fog Statement of Values

Lavender Evening Fog condemns white supremacy and the acts of violence that have recently been perpetuated as a result. We stand with Black Lives Matter and organizations and individuals doing critical work to fight hate within our communities and the world at large. While the town of Ellis Field does not exist in real life, it is based on a community in the Black Swamp Region of Ohio. Like the rest of the United States, this is colonized land which is the traditional land of the Kiikaapoi, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Shawnee, and Myaamia peoples.

Lavender Evening Fog is in the process of developing a page to document content notes for each episode. In general, we can promise that the podcast will never feature racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic violence, police, violence against children or animals, body horror, sexual or intimate partner violence or extreme or intimate gaslighting.

Lavender Evening Fog is a free podcast and we are committed to keeping the podcast free to all listeners and as accessible as possible. Toward that end, we will do what we can to insure that the podcast is available on as many platforms as possible and that no paid bonus content will further the main plot of the story we have developed here.